As some of you may have noticed, I have taken a break from my commentary on Thoreau's commentary about life,
Walden. There have been many things happening in my life since I started that project and I have to say that I have been spending more time reading paper books than listening to Walden on my mp3 player and have been spending more time researching market revenues than considering the profitability of solitude. *It is strange how a "simple" life can include so much complexity!
So what has been going on:
1. The
Brewery-- This has been taking up a lot of my mental energy. I have been using a lot of my extra time to work on a business plan for starting up a brewery in Grand Marais. The plan itself is looking pretty good, but there are a lot of questions and specific pieces of information that I lack because, well, I have never
started a business before, let alone a brewery. I have
operated several businesses and have done a very good job of
cleaning up/organizing the places that I have worked for, but doing the initial research is challenging to say the least. However, I have been making headway and I will post the business plan up on
Cabin Industry when I get it completed! Wish me luck and send me any advice/help you can!
2. Computers-- *Warning: There is a lot of computer mumbo-jumbo in here, so if you are not of a stout computer person, this could be painful... You have been warned.*
Recently the macbook that I have been using (which was given to me by the author of another riveting blog called has been showing its age (6+ years) and is likely tired after being lugged around the world and having to put up with the unreliable voltage in India for 9 months. So, alas, the time has come to replace it! Here is my conundrum:
Why should I buy a brand new fancy-pants computer when a used one can do all that I want it to do and is much, much cheaper? The answer for this, of course, is reliability, but I haven't had much trouble with reliability as long as you keep water and explosives away from it...
So used is a possibility... Any ideas?
Then there is the 2 party issue of computers these days... has anyone else noticed that Apple and Microsoft are a lot like the Democrats and Republicans? I won't delve into which is which and what characteristics each shares, but it is amusing to think about!
Let's put politics aside for a moment, shall we?
I like Macs because they are very intuitive and smooth. I kind of feel like Apple is becoming too "Big Brother" and is becoming such a computing way of life that I want to pull back from it, just like how facebook can start to suck your soul out through your eyeballs after you see the 30th cute kitten update in the timeline... you know that you have been there...
PCs are waaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper. However, Microsoft hasn't put out an operating system since XP Pro (Service Pack 2) that has made me feel anything but sadness about computers. I hear that Windows 8 is going to be better, but I just don't think that I trust them anymore... Sorry Windows, we had a nice run, but I am afraid that maybe we should see other people...
Like Android. This is an interesting new competitor in the laptop operating system game. A third party so to speak. Google's upstart is famous for making smart phones smarter and gave the population access to hundreds of thousands of applications that could make your life more productive, but likely will just take more of it up... Anyway, Android now has a version out (4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich... yum) that is robust enough to run on a full fledged computer, but still integrates all of the things that people love about smart phones. Coupling this with really snazzy designs and decent prices like the Asus Transformer tablets makes a very good argument for Android... Any thoughts?
The jury is still out, but I am leaning towards previously used computers or something that runs Android...
3. Phones-- Jeez! Thoreau must be rolling in his grave I am talking about all of these THINGS that he would dismiss as not adding any value to my life. I can see his bearded head shaking side to side with that look of disappointment on his face... he often wore that expression...
Anyway, my current phone doesn't do me any favors when it comes to work. It doesn't actually receive calls, but does me the kindness of telling me when I have missed calls. And then charges me for them even though I didn't receive them. Hmm. Time to change.
Does anyone have any experience with Straight Talk? This, allegedly, is a month to month, no plan cell phone program that is not only much cheaper than most other carriers, but has better reception because it uses just about everyone else's network! There is a Dark Side here though... Straight Talk is done through Walmart. I guess that I don't have a huge problem with benefiting from Walmart's buying power in this instance. I do get a funny feeling about it though...
One cool thing about it is that you can use just about any phone with Straight Talk, so I can, again, use a used phone and won't have to buy a new one...
Anyway, enough about all of that. It makes me tired. I hope that I haven't tired you out too much. I sometimes have to pull back from all of this stuff so that I can realize that I don't
need any of that stuff to thrive in my life. Time for something much more refreshing and that has kept me centered throughout most of this other stuff...
4. Sigurd Olson-- Sig Olson was an amazing man who was instrumental in the forming of many of the National Parks of the United States and their policies. He is most famous around here (Minnesota) for being the most vocal proponent of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. I have been reading a book of his quotes and writings and it has brought me back from the abyss with all of this mumbo-jumbo I wrote above here. His writing was aimed at helping people to "feel about the woods and hills and waters as I do." They bring me back to the simplicity that I truly desire, more than a computer or a phone or even a brewery. This will be forever ingrained in me and his words have a magical way of touching me. I would like to close not with any of my words, but with his, because I believe that what he has to say will speak well for me:
"Think of the wonder of being able to live on dreams, of being able to do what more than all else in the world you have wanted to do. Think of the wonder of knowing that you have found yourself." -Journal, January 14th, 1930
"I have stood on top of a windswept hill, waved my hat at the breeze, shouted to the skies that I was alive, and I have fought the waves on gigantic lakes and enjoyed the slap of every one. I love the rain, the snow, thunder, storms, quiet, every change of the weather. " -Journal, March 4, 1935